WordPress Development

Get Unique WordPress Website Design Solution for Digital Innovation

The Team of Experts Delivering the Best WordPress Development Services Helping Businesses to Grow Rapidly

    Why WordPress Design For Your Business?

    When you have a stunning website, it automatically draws the attention of your customers. If you are a startup, you need to let people know how you can make their life easier with your product or services, and if you are a successful business owner, you would want to reflect your ideas on your website. A dynamic WordPress website can boost your revenue and give you access to changing content and designing it yourself.

    Choosing the right platform is highly important to make your website user-friendly. In today’s world of technology, there are several platforms available on which you can design your website. WordPress website is the most popular option for multiple reasons. This beginner-friendly platform is a free and open-source CMS. Apart from the basic features, WordPress themes and plugins give you unparalleled power and flexibility. They are typically mobile responsive, and the security feature in this platform is optimum.

    Due to multiple benefits and functionalities, WordPress web development is the ultimate choice for businesses. The best thing about WordPress sites is, it ranks well on search engines.

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    WordPress Development

    Is WordPress Web Design Software?

    WordPress is an Open Source CMS that enables you to update and edit your site with a user-friendly backend interface. Earlier, every page of a website existed as a separate HTML page in a file folder. So, for updating a single link in the navigation menu, one had to go into every single page on the site and update the navigation link manually. But now, with the help of a CMS, you can update the navigation link once and change the entire website.

    WordPress has a LAMP setup, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is the same setup used in the top websites including Facebook.

    What Is CMS?

    CMS or content management system is a piece of software that helps you update and make necessary changes to your website without having to know the HTML codes. As the name suggests, this software helps in managing content on your website.

    What Is Open Source?

    Open source is a piece of software in which source code is created under a license and the copyright holder grants users to study, edit and distribute the software to anyone for any reason. This software can be developed in a collaborative public manner. It is specially designed to make it publicly accessible. This software is free for you to own and use.

    Can I Use My Own Domain With WordPress?

    Yes, you can. People often get confused because sometimes they find a URL that says www.domainname.wordpress.com, which clearly indicates that your website is running on the wordpress.com platform which is different from WordPress.org. Even on WordPress.com, you can have your own domain, but the WordPress.com link can make you confused. However, you can use your domain with WordPress absolutely secured.

    WordPress Stats

    This might be astonishing that once an obscure CMS is now powering more than 35% of the web. The reason behind this success is the unparalleled versatility that enables WordPress to be deployed everywhere from small personal blogs to powering the biggest blogs.

    Can I Use My Own Domain With WordPress?
    Users create over 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments every month. If the average post is about 300 words, almost half a million words are being written in every minute.

    More than 1.1 million new sites are registered on the WordPress domain every 6 months. Users love the convenience and effortless way to establish an online presence. And this is the reason WordPress’s market share is skyrocketing day by day.

    WordPress Web Design Services

    Is WordPress Websit Free?

    Since WordPress is OpenSource, it is free to use. However, they need to be hosted on the web to be visible. There are two versions of WordPress, wordpress.org, and wordpress.com. The wordpress.org version is the free Open Source version. This version provides you a free piece of software that you have to download from wordpress.org and upload to your server and use for your website CMS. The wordpress.com is a paid version, and you have to pay for the hosting of the website or you can use as a blog for free with their sub-domain e.g yourdomain.wordpress.com.

    WordPress Web Design Services

    Web Digital IT Services delivers robust, scalable and high-performance WordPress development services, and assists you to harness the power of technology, and maximizes your online business investment. Our expert WordPress development team is active 24/7 to assist you with technical support and with all your queries. The tried and tested methodologies, by Web Digital, are going to give you an extra edge on boosting your business revenue.

    Are you thinking about redesigning your site by using a WordPress platform? Then contact Web Digital IT Services today and discuss your projects with us! We can help you support your online goals.

    What Is The Difference Between WordPress Template And Custom Design?

    What Is The Difference Between WordPress Template And Custom Design?

    Both template and custom WordPress themes are beneficial in their own ways. If you are a start-up, a template theme can be highly useful for you. The quick and easy configuration, clean and up-to-date HTML and CSS code, modern designs and budget-friendliness make the template WordPress design popular in the market.

    If your company has some specific requirements for features and branding, a custom WordPress theme can be the best option for you. Your brand is too precious to use any pre-designed theme. Sometimes, you need custom work to enhance your brand reputation.

    A custom theme is highly popular in the market because of its versatility, branding feature, quality to fulfill specific needs and uniqueness.

    Now the biggest question is what to choose? It is always confusing for businesses to determine whether to buy a custom WordPress site or a pre-made template. Well, if you have a budget issue, going for a pre-made WordPress template is a wise choice since the custom design is quite expensive. Call us and tell us what your requirement is. The experts, at Web Digital IT Services, will help you determine what type of theme is the best option for you.

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    WordPress Front-and-Back-End Design

    The front-end design of a website includes a lot of things. From understanding the users, creating wireframes and mockups of the website to coding the actual CSS, HTML, and Javascript on the site, everything is included in case of WordPress front-end design.

    When it comes to WordPress back-end design, two things play major roles. The back-end design helps in displaying different content to different users depending on their search terms. In the case of WordPress back-end development, PHP programming language is used.

    Though people often prioritize front-end development, the backend of the site also plays a vital role. When you hire us as your WordPress developer, we make sure both the sites are developed with extreme efficiency.

    WordPress Front-and-Back-End Design
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    WordPress Backend

    Are There Any Limitations in WordPress?

    Well, WordPress has limitations. But the fact is, the limitations do not belong to WordPress, it belongs to the developers you hire. Here comes the importance of hiring the right WordPress developer. Afterall the WordPress website is developed just as other quality sites are designed. Like the other CMSs, WordPress also uses the same basic code of HTML, CSS, PHP, and Javascript. It uses the exact same code stack as Facebook and some of the other top websites on the internet.

    At Web Digital IT Services, we have highly experienced developers who can help you get a WordPress website that works the best, no matter how unique and unusual it is. Get in touch with us today to choose the best developer for your WordPress site.

    Are WordPress Websites Responsive?

    It depends on the theme you choose. Nowadays, almost all premade themes are responsive and adapt to the iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices. However, if you are choosing a custom theme, make sure that it is responsive.

    When you choose this platform, you don’t need to do anything extra to make your website mobile-friendly. WordPress websites are highly responsive and they work well on your mobile screen and gives you a smoother experience. At Web Digital IT Services, we don’t measure your size, we measure your success by creating the most effective website for you. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

    Are WordPress Websites Responsive?
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    Advantages of using WordPress

    By using WordPress, all you get is some unbelievable benefits. When people speak about the limitations of WordPress, they refer to the inherent flaws with the code stack by the developers. So, when you choose the right developer, you benefit in multiple ways.

    Since WordPress is an open-source project, it is free. Using an open-source CMS can be extremely beneficial as it comes with its unique set of benefits. The platform is easy to customize, frequently updated, and extensively tested. Also, the easy to use backend interface enables you to update and edit your website without knowing the code.

    Irrespective of whether you have a personal blog or you own a large e-commerce website, maintaining security is the most important thing. WordPress platform is designed by keeping the security of your business in mind. That means it will keep your content and personal data secured. You can also design a multi-language website on WordPress without compromising on the security.

    Apart from the above, the wide adoption rate, large developer base, great SEO-friendly feature and large plugin library make WordPress site highly beneficial for you.

    WordPress Design Agency Vs Freelance WordPress Developer

    People often get confused about whether they should hire a WordPress design company or a freelance WordPress developer. Typically, but not always, you can hire a freelance WordPress developer if you want to get your template or semi-custom work job done. This is because designing a custom theme for a freelance developer without any error is almost impossible. Only the experts from a certified WordPress development company can help you with this.

    When you hire a freelance developer, no doubt they would develop a WordPress site, but being literally-minded and analytical, they lack their imagination. When it comes to a WordPress development company, there is a designer to think abstractly for your business and design something amazing that draws customer attention. And the developer gives shape to the design by developing a professional WordPress website. So, hiring a freelancer can sometimes be cost-effective, but hiring a WordPress development company can be the best bet for you.

    How to Find a WordPress Developer?

    How to Find a WordPress Developer?

    Well, this might be overwhelming but not impossible. When finding the right one becomes extremely difficult for you, simply believe in your research skills. At first, become crystal clear about the exact website you want and your budget. Make a list of your requirements and set a time by which you need your website to get done. Now consider a few qualities including unmatched quality, 24/7 support, proven methodologies and budget-friendliness in your company before finalizing.

    Web Digital IT Services have all the qualities to be the best in the market. We create a website depending on your requirements, your goals and your target audience. Consult your requirements with our expert, and get the best in class solution today.

    Is WordPress Secure?

    Over 33% of websites run on WordPress. This system has a common file structure in the backend. These two factors make the system targeted by hackers since this helps them to develop a malicious script specially designed to WordPress file structure. This means WordPress can be less secured if not designed efficiently.

    At Web Digital, we make sure your website is created by keeping the ultimate security in mind. This is true that the CMS is the victim of its own popularity.

    Is WordPress Secure?
    How Do I Make WordPress Site Faster?

    How Do I Make WordPress Site Faster?

    WordPress often gets recognized as the slow CMS system. The CMS offers dynamic website pages and the content on which is based on the query by the user. To meet the query by the users, it uses the backend coding language PHP, which has call information from the server. This process makes the site a little slower.

    You can follow a few things to combat this and make your site fast. The very first thing that you need to do to fasten your site is caching. Taking a snapshot of every webpage and storing the HTML version of it is known as caching. This mechanism can help in improving your site’s speed. Free plugins, like W3 Total Cache, can help in performing this function.

    A highly optimized site on a good hosting environment can load within 2 seconds. So, choosing a good hosting can also help.

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    How Long Does It Take To Develop A WordPress Site?

    The time of developing a WordPress site depends on a few factors. If you use a template or semi-custom design, you will get your site done within a couple of hours to a few days. However, in case of a fully custom theme, it takes a longer time. For a 10 to 15page site, it might take 5 to 6 weeks. If you need your site get ready urgently, then you should go for a template or semi-custom theme.

    As the WordPress development company, we also consider the website content before giving you a deadline. Developing content according to the custom site needs efficiency. In fact, the content in the template theme might not be similar to your business. So, creating content is also required in case of a semi-custom site.

    What Is The Best Alternative To A WordPress Site?

    No doubt, WordPress is one of the best and most user-friendly CMSs available today. But it might not be the right solution for everyone. There is no denying the fact that the robust system is complex and has a steeper learning curve. You can consider some alternatives including Wix, Squarespace, Drupal, and Weebly.

    Best Alternative To A WordPress Site

    Though Wix is not a free system, it focuses on simplicity and this is the USP of this system. It tries to make the backend user-experience as simple as possible. Squarespace is more focused on the design, and the templates are clear.

    It is so simple that even a non-technical user can set up their websites at a nominal cost. Like WordPress, Drupal is also an Open Source platform. However, WordPress is much more popular than others. If you are unable to understand whether WordPress site is the right option for you or not, feel free to contact us. Apart from this platform, we offer 30 more platforms for your consideration.

    Best Plugins For WordPress

    What Are The Best Plugins For WordPress?

    There are more than 50,000 plugins available and the number is increasing day by day. Some of the most popular plugins are – Yoast SEO, Gravity Forms, Wordfence Security, W3 Total Cache, Redirection, Woocommerce.

    Yoast SEO is perhaps the best SEO tool available on the web. The best part is, it is free. Though they also have a paid version for the more advanced features, the free version is so powerful that you don’t need any paid version. They are awesome with your rankings. Gravity Forms are highly useful when it comes to developing a website.

    With Gravity Forms, you always get your site delivered the way you want or integrate with or talk to other 3rd parties easily. Wordfence Security, the best WordPress security is not a plugin, rather it is a premium hosting, like WP Engine. This powerful solution makes your WordPress installation highly secured.

    Want to learn more about the plugins and their benefits? Talk with our experts today.

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    How Do You Integrate On WordPress?

    Since over 1/3rd of the websites on the web run on WordPress, almost all major 3rd parties have to work with them. Be it Google Analytics, MailChimp, Salesforce or Hubspot, all use dozens of WordPress plugins to help integrate with.

    The integration process is performed through the WordPress plugin. Sometimes the third party provides these plugins directly. However, WordPress developers can also create a paid plugin for third party integration purposes.

    Web Digital always strives hard to provide you the best. Feel free to contact us today for all your WordPress development and integration needs.

    Why Choose Web Digital IT Services For Developing Your WordPress Site

    People often think that the user-friendliness of WordPress enables anyone to develop a top-notch website on this platform. But this is not true. Yes, anyone can build a website, but only an expert can make a highly responsive website that can create meaningful relationships with visitors. We, at Web Digital IT Services, provide end-to-end WordPress development services, from creating the most effective strategy to developing a website.

    We are popularly known as the best WordPress development company for exceptional quality. We offer you the highest quality WordPress development services at the most competitive prices. We understand the budget crunch issues of small businesses. This is why our WordPress web design agency chooses the WordPress platform for small businesses. With advanced tools and features, we make the site highly user-friendly.