Landing Page Optimization

Experience the Best Landing Page Design Services for Improved Conversion Rate

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    What is a Landing Page?

    A landing page is a webpage where you want your visitors to visit first when they land on your website. For most websites, the landing pages refer to the Home Page, where visitors land when they type the domain name of the business.

    From the digital marketing perspective, a landing page is a page that you want your users to visit when they click on any internal or external ad from your campaigns, the landing pages are created to serve a specific purpose.

    Landing pages do not have all the features that the other conventional pages have. They are specially designed and structured in a way to lead users to execute a specific action. Web Digital IT Services is the leading name that has been providing the best in class Landing page optimization servicesfor years.

    Boost Your Rankings and Sales with Our Proven SEO Strategies

    A result driven SEO Company to help you achieve page one results for your website. Hire our best search engine optimization services to increase your traffic by 200%!

    What Does Landing Page Optimization Mean?

    Landing page optimization is the process of improving elements on a website to boost conversions. It is a part of conversation rate optimization or CRO. Landing pages are the key components of digital marketing campaigns. Therefore, optimizing the landing page is highly important for every business.

    Since landing pages are focussed on conversions and generate sales or capture leads, improving the performance of your landing page can lead to significant changes in business results. This is where the importance of landing page optimization lies.

    At Web Digital IT Services, we optimize the landing page to ensure that you achieve the highest possible conversion rate from the visitors who land on the landing page. It can help you lower your customer acquisition costs, increase customers, and maximize the value of your ad spend.

    How Do We Optimize Your Landing Page for Better SEO Results?

    Publishing Landing Pages To Your Own Domain

    This is the very first step that we follow to offer you a greater result with landing page optimization. If you want your business to gain more SEO benefit from the landing pages, it should be published under your own domain.

    If you are using a third-party service to host your landing page, then you might experience no improvement in your ranking. Choosing a third-party hosting service is not a good idea from an SEO standpoint.

    When you publish your landing page under your own domain, it becomes highly SEO friendly. When your landing pages become a part of your own domain, they share some of your domain’s trust and authority and lead to more conversions. So, publish your landing page under your own domain and make it a win-win situation.

    Optimizing Landing Page URLs

    Optimizing Landing Page URLs

    Optimizing your landing page URL is important to make your landing page and URLs SEO friendly. To make your website URL SEO friendly, you need to make your URL short and simple, include keywords, there should not be any white spaces and the words need to be separated with “-“.

    Landing page URL should be short and easy to remember so that when shared in social networks or forums, they make sense.

    At Web Digital IT Services, we make sure the URLs in your landing pages are SEO-Friendly and include the keywords that you want your audience to see.

    Making The Landing Pages Secure With https

    Https is a secure web protocol commonly used by websites to provide secure transactions for its users. Google also prioritizes webpages with a secure URL. Therefore, having https in your URL is a must if you want to make your landing page SEO-friendly.

    We ensure your landing pages are secure with https. Having an SSL attached to your landing pages and website is essential. Since Google uses https in their ranking algorithm, it can give you a small comparative ranking boost.

    When you put https on your landing page, it tells your visitors that your website is reliable, and they can trust your site and provide personal information while making a purchase. When you earn your potential audience’s trust, you go one step ahead to success.

    Secure With https
    Identifying The Best Keywords

    Identifying The Best Keywords You Want To Rank For

    Another important factor that you need to consider is to decide which keywords you want to rank through a particular landing page. When it comes to landing page SEO, it becomes a little tricky since the SEO keywords need to be in sync with the landing page copy.

    To identify the best keywords to rank, the very first thing you need to do is to prepare your landing page copy without considering the keywords. Then consider keywords that you want to target, and finally place the keywords strategically on your landing page as the part of the SEO process.

    At Web Digital, we conduct thorough research to find out the best keywords and put them on your landing pages so that you can rank high for those pages and get potential leads.

    Optimizing for On-Page SEO

    To ensure your landing page perform as per your expectation, you have to use the target keywords efficiently through on-page SEO. We, at Web Digital, follow a detailed on-page SEO process to make to rank your page high on the search engines.

    For efficient on-page SEO, we add the main keyword in the URL, title tag, meta description, and in the H1 and H2 tags. Distributing highly important keywords can strengthen your on-page and help you rank higher.

    We have a team of on-page SEO experts who works exclusively for making your landing page SEO-friendly. Want to learn how we do the work? Get in touch with us today.

    Optimizing for On-Page SEO

    Optimizing Landing Page for Keyword-Rich Content

    When it comes to landing page optimization, one of the most important elements to be considered is the content of the page. Your content is the identity of your business. It can make or break your reputation and reliability. So, creating transparent content as well as keeping the SEO factors in mind is highly important.

    At Web Digital IT, we create content that is unique, relevant, transparent, and keyword-rich. This engages the audience and satisfies the needs of the almighty Google. If you want to create SEO-friendly content for your landing page, make sure you have text content on the page. Remember, only videos and images are not enough when it comes to ranking high.

    To create the most SEO-friendly content, you need to be careful with using accordions. Make sure the important text is not hidden in accordions. The accordion plays an important role, especially on mobile devices. Adding latent semantic index keywords (the phrases that have the same meaning as your target keywords) is highly important to rank your page high.

    Optimizing Images and Videos

    Landing pages are created to attract visitors and generate leads. So making it visually appealing with optimized images and videos is a great idea. Designing images and videos is not enough, you need to make sure there are certain elements inserted on the page in an SEO friendly way.

    For images, there must be three elements optimized. They are- filename, ALT Text, and image captions. Though filename is not the biggest SEO signal, it is a good idea to use this. ALT Text is the most important element for image SEO. The image caption is a short description of the image. It is like ALT Text with a bit more details.

    If you put a video on your landing page, make sure they are served from a third-party service, like Vimeo or YouTube. Add video schema for every video you use on your landing page to provide the search engine bots more details about it.

    Optimizing Images and Videos
    Structured Data Markup

    Adding Structured Data Markup

    Your business is completely different from others. All businesses need some common social media services. But depending on their unique features, they need some unique services too. Our social media experts do the same for you.

    Depending on the nature and requirements of your business, we provide a number of optional social media services, like blog posts. We customize our strategy and include everything that you need for your business growth. After auditing your business and researching your competitors, we suggest you the services that your business needs.

    When you choose us, you can be assured that all your business requirements will be fulfilled through the best in class social media promotion. How? Contact us today to learn more.

    Optimizing for Mobile

    In today’s world of Smartphones, people are more active on their mobiles than PC. That means, optimizing your landing page for mobile is as important as it is with desktop. In fact, with the introduction of the Google mobile-first index, the need of having SEO-friendly landing pages is more important than ever.

    To make your landing page mobile-friendly, you need to make sure that the mobile pages have no horizontal scrolling, the loading speed is fast, the content of desktop page and mobile is same, there is no popups or other elements that might be annoying and they can perfectly fit with different resolutions.

    Web Digital IT prioritizes mobile optimization when it comes to doing landing page optimization for SEO. A mobile-optimized landing page can gather more leads and boost your revenue to a great extent.

    Optimizing for Mobile

    Optimizing for Speed

    The loading speed of a page is one of the most important SEO ranking factors. The faster-loading pages are more likely to rank higher than the ones that load slow. Since the loading speed also impacts on sales and conversions, boosting the speed of your landing page is highly important.

    If you want to speed up your landing pages, you can use image compression tools to optimize your images, minimize your CSS and JS, use a CDN, and an SEO web hosting provider to host your website and not shared hosting. If you add videos on your website, make sure you use a streaming service like Vimeo or YouTube.

    To ensure you gain the most out of your landing page optimization and increase your sales, we do all the possible things to speed up your landing pages.

    Adding Internal Links Pointing to Your Landing Page

    Optimization of the structure and content of a landing page is not sufficient if you don’t promote it well. Your ranking factor greatly depends on how you can best promote your pages. When you hire us for landing page search engine optimization services, we keep the promoting part in mind to improve your ranking.

    Internal links, backlinks, and 301 Redirections are the three areas that you can cover to promote your landing page and improve your ranking. While working on your SEO, you can use internal links (the links that point out to a page on the same domain) to help the search engine get to know the importance of your landing pages.

    To promote your page in the best possible way, you can add a link pointing to your landing page from homepage, in your footer and sidebar, within your blog posts, and in the anchor text. When used properly, internal links can also redirect some of your website traffic and boost conversions.

    Internal Links Pointing
    Get Backlinks

    Promoting Your Landing Page and Get Backlinks

    Apart from promoting your landing pages internally, you should also promote them on the internet to get backlinks. High-quality backlinks are one of the most important SEO factors that can greatly influence your rankings.

    Getting good quality links is not easy at all, especially when it comes to promoting landing pages for generating sales. You need to find a high domain authority site to get quality backlinks. But the webmasters are not willing to link a sales page, and this is normal and expected.

    We follow the most efficient techniques to help you get those precious links for your landing page. Feel free to contact us today to learn how we make it possible.

    Using 301 Redirections to Consolidate Your SEO Efforts

    The main goal to create a landing page and optimize it is – increasing conversions. To increase conversions, one can simply change the content of the page or sometimes create new pages from scratch.

    When you create a new page or change your content, you lose the SEO backlinks and trust that you earned earlier. This might affect your SEO ranking.

    Whenever you create a new landing page, you can use 301 redirections for the same products or services to solve the issue. 301 redirections instruct search engines to pass any SEO value from one URL to the other. So, your previously built rankings and trust would not be lost with the launching of new landing pages.

    301 Redirections

    Why Choose Web Digital IT Services For Your Landing Page Optimization?

    Landing page optimization is a great way to increase more conversions and boost your ROI. Optimizing your landing page has never been so easy as it is with Web Digital IT Service. We have the right tools and expertise to determine the effectiveness and improve the conversion rate.

    Web Digital IT Services is the top-rated landing page optimization service provider that develops laser focussed and compelling landing pages, and motivates your visitors to take action. We design and optimize your landing page maintaining the best design practices and using the tried and tested techniques that result in a high rate of conversion.

    We do more than just landing page optimization. Landing page optimization is just a part of the digital marketing strategy. We incorporate an intuitive and flexible design and organize the complete navigation of the landing page.

    Are you all set to start increasing your website’s online conversion rate? Then get in touch with us today to get a complete solution, from the banner image to the color selection of different elements, and make your page visually appealing.

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